for them, it's latitudinal viagra. the couple cannot get turned on unless they know there is a high probability they will be killed. topic number five. don't just head it when you are going about your day, then all of a sudden a hook grabs you in your mouth and tries to pull you away? so does this guy. >> hold on, hold on! kennedy: he ain't happy about it. a 10-foot long shark off the coast of san diego. the fly-fishing gang who caught him says they do not keep their freeze catches for wall mounts. when catch and release in the hopes of meeting again in the cool, fresh waters off san diego. >> oh, my gosh. the shark recognized us. if you have weird stories you want to see in the "topical storm," tweet me @kennedynation and use trash tag "topical storm." are you losing friends because of this crazy election? there is a chance facebook has something to do with it. ♪ with this level of engineering... it's a performance machine. with this degree of intelligence... it's a supercomputer. with this grade of protection... it's