. >> my grandmother latour first four years as the only toddler in a refugee camp, where the mortalityate was nearly 4%. year due to lack of medical care. >> when you're putting refugees in camp's for years and years, you're not letting them live up to their human potential area -- human potential. you make them dependent rather than contributing. it's a huge problem. i think there is a major downside keeping refugees in refugee camps for a long time. because you have a generation of individuals growing up without access to education, without access to jobs. that ultimately leads them to seek out radical solutions to those problems. that can lead to political turmoil, more violence, more war . exactly the types of problems we are seeing. seeing. >> in the late 1940's, people all over the world realized something needed to be done and the many displaced people who fled their homes in europe after world war ii. >> why should we help these people? is a charity, is it human kindness, or is america a sucker to bother with these europeans now that we have been hitler? a little human kindness