really doing things that i think are enriching even if the subject matter isn't quite as laud trias building a city. so i'll talk a little bit about what those kind of mental attributes are in a second. but the first thing i want to do at this point is dislodge some biases many of you may have about the importance of reading over game plans. most of us still have this assumption which i think is partially true that kids are always better reading a book than they are playing a game. and that there's something just reward and intellectally tax and rigorous about reading, slipping into my argument about reading that will never really be challenged by the act of game playing. 10 early in the book i offered this kind of thought experiment to you after quoting a bunch of people, including dr. spock in his baby guide, the late dr. spock who says "the one thing that can be said about video games is they are almost always a pleat waste of time," you must teach your children to love reading, reading is important interlebletlectally and games are useless. i ask to you imagine this thought experiment. what if