i want to go to laura berman now. but particularly mary you're talking to us tonight from new orleans, which is the state where senator vitter is in. he admitted, you know, basically going to a prostitute, i believe it's fair to say, or at least to indiscretions. and yet he's been able to remain in office. i've gotten a bunch of e-mails from viewers today saying, well, how come he can stay in office and people are saying weiner can't? so i'm going to talk to you about that before the break -- after the break. but laura, plenty of people send intimate pictures of themselves to others online. i don't understand a congressman thinking it was at all a good idea to send intimate pictures of himself to people he had never even metalegendary. >> yeah. no, this is -- allegedly, right. it's not a good idea, and he knees it's not a good idea but -- >> so why do it? what is that impulse? >> it's an impulse -- first of all, there are many -- it's very common, as we've seen, in high-power men, especially it seems in high-power pol