this is laura bertone. welcome. >> good morning. >> we know everyone each other. you work for the arch didos so of san francisco. >> i do. i'm the director of worship. >> and there is an office of worship. >> there is. >> i think you would be called a liturgist? >> yes. >> and an amia tour theologer yacaman issue, sort of a historian? you're very well-versed in things cat lick and the archdiocese depends on you to make sure our liturgies and ceremonies are proper, correct and right. >> hopefully. yes. >> we're talking about christmas. you created i slide show for us. >> right. >> the point is that christmas is full of riches. >> right. >> and if you're willing to slow down and sea see the season for what it is, you enter into a wonderful set of stories thathat have no end. there is depth to then. how should we start this? what should we do? >> i think you talked about it earlier that christmas is not just one day. it's not just the 12 annoying sounds from the song. >> i love the song, by the way. >> okay, good. i get tired of it by the end of it. it doesn't start