laura blumenfeld is a middle list analyst based in washington, dc asked her if this really is the attorney point as well as benjamin netanyahu claims. it's interesting, he called this operation to eliminate natural, a operation new order. and it is certainly his goal to reorder the middle east of the way he's seen it. uh, you know, over the past decade or longer, iran has created a ring of fire around him with their proxies. and what he's trying to do is, is, you know, if not go to the head of the snake as he calls the supreme leader any wrong. and certainly some of the, some of the tentacles that are reaching out from, from a ron. and by striking it and us rela, that's, that's a way you know, a long way toward guy cheating that goal. i also think he's sort of flexing at saudi arabia and showing that if he can ally align himself with saudi arabian, or moderate arab states, that would provide a nice counterpoint and important counter wait to iran and its anti west anti israel and anti united states coalition. story and talk about the, the head of a spike, and it makes me think of this chain