thank you >> thank you so much laura comock and we really feel that partnership between 0 and 5 is important with first 5 because as we know the cost of childcare in the early days are expensive. in the next phase we'll see how we can figure more time with the parents to spend more time with their kids. next we have elizabeth newman from department of status on women. >> good morning supervisors, my name is elizabeth newman and work place policy and legislative analyst for department on status of women. our director wishes she could be here today but wanted to come and speak in the charter amendment to enhance paid parental leave for city employees. we know the paid leave for sth care and bond wg a new chileds has tremendous benefits for the children and families. paid leave leads to healthier babies. according to the national institute of child health breast feeding reu results fewer infection, better survive decreased allergies. studies found there are fewer symptoms of depression with women who take leave than those who return to work before 12 weeks. paid parental leave increases women l