and wrapping up the list is laura hillen brand's story of a world war ii lieutenant's survival in "unbroken." that's this month's list of nonfiction bestsellers according to the "wall street journal." >> so i tell the story about how i, every aspect of whose identity is in one way or another a threat to israel, my gender is male, my religion is muslim, my citizenship is american, but my nationality is iranian, my ethnicity is persian, my culture is middle eastern. everything about me is, sends off, you know, all the warning signals for israel. and so the experience of an iranian-american, single man trying to get through ben-gurion airport in, you know, in the 21st century is a reminder to everyone that despite the way that globalization has brought us closer and has diminished the boundaries that separate us as nations, as ethnicities, as people and as cultures, despite all of that, all you've got to do is spend a few minutes trying to get through ben-gurion airport to remember that those divisions, those things that separate us are still very much alive. >> best selling author reza aslan