that's how notre dame academy president laura koehl described 2012 graduate katie stewart monday after learning of her death. death. "katie, i think, was a very open and welcoming person. she made people feel good about who they are." are." stewart was one of two co- presidents her senior year at the park hills high school. school. "she was very involved. she worked closely with the students. she got to know them well and dild things that were in their best interest. she worked well with her teachers and the staff to really promote notre dame academy." academy." stewart fell over a cliff saturday at raven run nature sanctuary. firefighters recovered her body and while trying to move it in a boat, it capsized. six firefighters in life vests swam to safety, but stewart's body hasn't been found. she was a manager at crank and boom ice cream lounge and marketing. co-workers and sunday. "we really just wanted to come together today to share in our grief and to mourn together -- to celebrate her life and to honor her memory." memory." katie's father, tom, called her a brillant student for wh