laura ling the direct cost of energy is key -- lowering the direct cost of energy is key.utely key. next is clean. as we attempt to minimize in direct cost by driving at these prices, again, i was suggest this is a policy that is doomed to economic and practical failure. instead, we have to be aware of the impacts of every type of energy and make rational informed decisions on what is acceptable, what needs to be mitigated, how to do just that. our challenge is to reduce the cost of cleaner sources of energy, not raise the cost of existing sources. and when we talk about clean, what we have tried to do in the report is given some definition. is treated"clean" this he as an absolute, but i think it is better regarded as a comparison. in my view, a better definition is less intensive and global lifestyle impacts than its likeliest alternative. just consider that. less global -- less intensive and global lifestyle impacts. next, diversity. every type of energy has its own advantages, disadvantages. overall, the more diverse our sources of energy, the more robust and secure ou