we'll start with the exemption map and posting and laura lynch, planner on my staff who has had a huge part in making this map happen which is such a key part of this legislation, is going to present to you and give you demonstration of how somebody can find cad exs that have been issued. >> good afternoon. i will start by demonstrating how to navigate to our new page. simply go to the environmental planning home page and at the right of the screen you will see exemption. once you click on exemptionses, it will take you to our new exemption posting page. a little background information about our new page. we have been posting exemptions since january of 2012, and we have received feedback that the previous manner that we posted the exemptions was not considered to be user friendly. the new page which was published on july 1st, 2013 is the department's attempt at improving the public's experience. there are three ways of finding exemptions on this page, two of which are found through the map. the first way is you can search by address. you can type a specific project or your own propert