she's sitting along side laura mcdonald, the new york based marriage counselor and the founder and presidentf lovology university. so doctor, why do men risk everything for a little bit on the side? >> powerful men risk everything for a little on the side because they have larger than normal egos. sense of a entitlement, and they know that their jobs are an aphrodisiac for many volunteers. it's hard for them to resist temptation. >> hard for the men t to resist the temptation? >> it's harder for the men to resist the temptation because you know, we are not monogamous by nature, and men, you know, go back as far as the cave man era where they plant their seed in as many places as possible. they're still having the urges of the of the sperm competition. >> do you buy that. >> absolutely. i think it's a combination of several variables. it's high tes testosterone, availability of these men and women, it's narcissistic entitle and stress, a lot of stress, and it's a form of stress management. >> what about, youem know, i've heard some cruel humor about comparing paula to mrs. petraeus, etc. is i