what intrigues me about it besides the story is that laura miller on salon talk about how rachel kushner'sauthority and the book is really intriguing, but also rattling ice on reviewers who are used to a woman taken the liberty she takes in the book. i can't wait to see what that really means. and finally, i'm also getting around to ira katz nelson, fear itself. it's a big book. schlepping it to the beach will be fun, but it's intellectual and political history of the new deal also both in name but come in and of world war ii, tying the domestic and international together in a way that most scholars tend not to and also tracing the unraveling of the new deal back to its roots when it excluded african-americans in order to get certain legislation passed, which set the conflict in the 60s and 70s when african-americans were long overdue to get the rights, to get things they didn't get from the new deal and the new deal coalition fell apart. that's an important book now that we have people trying to take apart the new deal coalition for good. >> the more i got to look into his message, the mo