there was a lot of large support for me needs to seek to resign for laura rosen, barry to resign to the president of fine arts and for a whole investigation that i've seen this happen in the past few weeks to be done as well. then florida police use tag asked to break up a demonstration at a school in tampa authorities, wages, and incumbent at the university of south florida. resting several students. it comes off a similar rest. the other universities across the states. many of the students who were arrested at the university of texas in austin on monday, a still and was still in jail. on tuesday, i did do a castro hospital. there has been a slow trickle of the protesters that are being released according to the university of texas austin, administration. 79 people were arrested for mondays protests and they had been charged with uh we're seeing a lot of criminal trespassing as a major charge here. and now more than 24 hours later, still the vast majority remain inside the jail. that's the i need. and that's despite the calls that you're hearing behind me of not only 3 talestine becaus