thomas >> i'm laura thomas i'm in support of scott wiener's proposal i've lived here for 26 years and much of that i'll lived and protested and handed out flyers for the castro neighborhood it's important to me that he that includes where and how we allow formula retail into that neighborhood. conditional use process is a relatively open and transparent one that allows us who care about the care of the neighborhood an opportunity to weigh in and this particular effort to rename and merely rename a pharmacy is finding a loophole that shouldn't exist in our formula retail and i'll love to see that all changed so that formula retail can't simply rename themselves but in the meantime, i'll supportive of anything that will allow us to use the conditional use process to have the conversation even though i've lived in the castro many years and district then r 10 that's an important neighborhood and community to me and i would hope we'll be able to have the same interaction and community computing input into formula retail thank you very much >> thank you very much. ma'am, >> good afternoon,