wilson, absent. councilmember tatiana cast, star laura absent, denise present, harriet wong, absent. roland wong absent, starta absent. >> thank you. the next item is reading and the approval of the agenda. i would like to first make a motion to amend the agenda. seeing as we have a lot of speakers to listen to today, i would like to move the directors report item no. 6 to follow item no. 9. item no. 5 to follow item no. 9. any objections to the amendment? >> no. >> okay. thanks. you can read it now. item 1, welcome, introduction and roll call. item 2, action item. reading and approval of the agenda. item 3, public comment. items not on today's agenda, but within the jurisdiction of the mdc. each speaker is limit to 3 minutes. >> item 4, information item: report from cochair idell wilson. item 6, information item. life with dialysis. councilmember kostanian will lead a pregnancy and information hearing on the challenges of daily living for individuals who are kidney dials dependent. presentation by dr. eli we'll from the national kidney foundation. public comment is welcome. you'll a