representing from the office fnltd empowerment and kristinee the california reinvestment corporation and laurel pew ma'am mack from californiafirst five and the mission economic development agency and finally, johnathan sagaa chose were the commission economic development agency i can't tell you how important it is that this be a coordinated effort as many of you may be familiar in the money mart settlement we traveled you will and upand down the sate press confrontation in sacramento and reached ow to bars throughout the state of california to achieve an unprecedented level of success for a predatory lending effort and we would not have been able do that without the corporation of elected throughout the state and community leaders as well and we are hopeful that this will be a template for what wedo in this case and that we get a similar level of success to make sure had a money goes back to the people who are victim iressed and that they get the restitution that they deserve and i would like to introduce michael papist from the enter face-to-face 98 counsel because he was a big part in making sur