with elinor donahue, billy gray, and lauren chapin, in "father knows best." - how many of these agendas does father need for his convention? - i don't know how many insurance men they're expecting, so i guess we'd better do the whole batch. with putting this whole thing on single-handedly? - he's not doing it all, but since the convention's here in springfield, he's the host, and you know him. (bud pounds on drum) he always wants to do the best job possible. - i guess being a perfectionist is all right, but sometimes i'm glad -- do you have to pound on those bean pots all day? - they're not bean pots, and i'm not pounding. - whatever it is, why don't you stop it and pitch in here and help? - i'm too busy right now, but i can tell you that you're doing that all wrong. go boom, boom, boom, boom. - good idea! why don't you show us how to do it? - oh, no! - go right ahead! i have to get [unintelligible) on the delegate badges anyway. (doorbell rings) - but, mom, i have to answer the door. - you're fine. i'll do it. - get to work. - well, fronk, how are you? - muy gracias, senora. - we haven