joining us is lauren lister, host of "hot stock minute" on yahoo! finance. lauren, good morning. >> good morning, guys. >> along with the sort of relatively disappointing number for august, we had revisions downward for the two previous months. >> yes. >> is there anything encouraging in this report? >> there are a few things. wages improved a little bit. and in general, it doesn't show us falling off a cliff. it just shows us decelerating in terms of jobs being added. and the unemployment rate fell. it's just because more people fell out of the labor force. this doesn't change the trend that we are improving. and we're not in a recession. i mean, job gains aren't ending. but no, i mean, this isn't a great report. as one economist put it to me this week, we're bumping along the bottom of a very deep hole after falling off a cliff during the recession. >> you know, you look at job growth right now, it seems to be a lot in the lower-paying industries. >> yes. >> what does that say? >> we don't have a great, robust recovery. we saw a continuation of a trend that