submit to traditional traditional gender roles and express our feelings through consumerism rather lauren martin of elite daily dot com probably gives the most cutting take when she writes quote we're still stuck on the idea that man has to make grand gestures and women must respond appropriately we're still stuck on the prehistoric notion that couples should be celebrated and individuals should be ashamed valentine's day is for imitators it's for people who don't know how to act unless directed by hughes not to mention this holiday sadly does little to actually bring couples together and fact dated journalist david mccandless and ten thousand facebook breakup notifications over the course of a year and found the majority of breakups happen in the days following valentine's day as well as the two weeks. before christmas probably in part due to the enormous pressure and expectations surrounding the holiday so look i'm not trying to knock love or relationships i'm not trying to be bitter and i'm not trying to say that you don't need i'm just saying you don't need to wait to show it to your partner