he was brain damaged and lauren mccall, -- lauren mccall and older woman and then meet each other and the interact and it's quite funny but quite sad. the idea on focusing just on the returning veterans gets into a whole way of thinking about memory of d-day and important ways. it occurred to me that there are enough stories in the longest day to tough up whole thing over again from the same material and from a very compelling movie but with any of the materials in the motion picture. these could just be submarines on d-day particularly and there particularly interesting. also, the polish involvement because there were polish people who were part of defending and part of the invasion army. i want to know what it would feel like to be polish and trying to repel the invasion and how does that play out? >> we have about 10 minutes before the break so we should be able to get to most of the questions. >> there was a 4 1/2 original directors version is that version lost is still available? >> it's lost and that's why in 2005 we oversaw the attempt to reconstruct that based on script materi