so, if eagle hunting is about the ego of men, we wondered how they saw lauren mcgough.y doubt that a woman could hunt with an eagle? "oh, he said, we've never had a female eagle hunter." why did your brother take her in? "she came from a world far away. she had her mind set on learning to hunt with the eagle. her motivation came from deep in her heart. we just couldn't say no." when lauren first came to mongolia, it took her two weeks to catch an eagle she could call her own. how do you catch a golden eagle? >> mcgough: yes. so, you have a dead hare that you lay out with a crow or a raven staked nearby, and you encircle it in a net.e onig loos down and sees this hare thaton . and it thinks, "ah, i can easily bully that crow out of that rabbit and have a free meal to myse so, it comes in, and, when it tries to grab the dead rabbit, the net enfolds around the eagle. tle is ught to feed at the hand of the hunter. and, as long as the meals are regular, the eagles are calm, content, and come back for more. they perch on the hunter's arm with a rawhide leash called a jess tie