former strength and the dean, laurie kramer simon who was in that particular tradition. sandy levin said that the university of texas basically argues for a jeffersonian constitution that you have five every year for every 20 years for 700 individuals, none of whom know what they're talking about. except for where the hotel entrances may be. then they're other people who say if you really understand originally sent us a completely dynamic subject so when you can do serious series of artful convention takes a classical liberal constitution to convert into a modern progressive one which vastly increases the scope of government power. then you have the conservative judicial springtime and their central principle interpretation to take broad causes and reagan narrowly, lest you make sure the court has a significant role to take a minute in the way in which the legislature should operate because everybody understands national solutions require national problems and this is at a time when congress has a general approval rate of 11%. [laughter] severities powerful antipodes. i'