has been put to death over the rape and murder of a college student over 2 decades ago a crime laurie swearingen always insisted he did not commit. but prosecutors say there are certain soring generalists responsible for the murder they are earlier argued there were quotes mountains of evidence demonstrating his guilt and fitting for instance bits of the victim's clothing folland in his trailer swearing engine also a fellow inmates who writes a letter to his lawyer purporting to be the real killer additionally he had a track record of violence against women his defense however claim there were significant discrepancies in the prosecution's crown knowledge and all not bases he could not have been responsible he also alleged al fayed clothing in the former electrician treatment may have belonged to someone else and that the blood found under the victim's fingernails did not belong to either her or swearing in the executed man's lawyer told us more about the conflicting evidence. we presented the opinions of no less than 5 medical examiners who reviewed the path ology who reviewed the histology and