out our look at the building over and above fabrication and installation, so with that, we have laurie wiley, senior prince of dogg and cope engineers, as well as mason walters, senior principle at farrell lessner, structural engineers, and laurie will present the presentation to you. >> good morning, directors. the -- i'm here to give you an overview of what the activities of the structural and seismic peer review panel -- review panel committee were. the ssrc, as we were called, was first formed in november of 2008 to provide guidance on the transit center's structural design assumptions of the engineers. at the request of san francisco building inspection, d.b.i., our scope was expanded in 2009 to essentially include a peer review of the designs in accordance with their peer review guidelines. we continued to work until 2014, when the designs were completed and were all permitted. our panel was quite large. we had seven when we started out. i was elected and appointed chair. i've been on many peer review panels. mason walters, senior principle structural engineer with farrells lasser was