the underwater cables is broken, and the most famous case was in 2006 often coast of taiwan and lausanne there was a major earthquake that severed six of the eight cables. supposedly, there was a major worldwide drop in spam, and trading was halted in korea, and there were major consequences. and to fix it you have to send a ship out and throw a grappling hook over the side, find the end of the cable, pick it up, fuse each strand of fiber together and throw it over the side, and in that instance, lausanne, this were multiple break on multiple cables, and it took a matter of weeks and months to fix i. in terms of precaution, it's interesting. because the biggest risk by far is from dragging anchors, there's a group called the international cable protection committee whose job it is to announce where the cables are. rather than hiding them, so anchors don't break them. and this was definitely a disconnect between theceps of security and sort of risk of the cables that people who operate the cables have, first, this sort of -- often some higher ups, and the most striking example of that was