we've really changed the tone of the discussion in the lausd. we've greatly increased the number of trainings that are going on. now we're beginning to train the trainers which we think is very important and will leverage our work even further. i'm going to end with just a little bit of a pep talk because this is a huge, huge challenge to solve these problems. we didn't -- in many ways, we're experts in certain areas, but we certainly weren't expert in other areas, but we felt that something needed to be done, and we couldn't wait for somebody else to take leadership in that area. so i would just encourage people , in our small group yesterday when we were talking about improving communication among groups, um, we came up with two words, convene and galvanize. and i guess the advice i would give is don't wait for somebody else to do that. convene people, and galvanize the efforts, leverage what you're doing already into something greater. thank you. [applause] >> thank you, alan. and now we'll turn it other to nicole cardarelli from afsp. >> hi,