. -- lave have to always be moving forward. >> images of the future are critical to choice oriented behavior. it is going to have to be purposeful effort in a consistent way that drives these kind of changes. it needs to be underpinned by an understanding of the role of energy productivity at large. >> we live in a world where a market and policy forces combine to create to the environment in which we advance. forces shape and guide the market outcomes. one area people talk about this policy revolution. >> i am lisa margonelli. and the director of the energy policy initiative. -- i am the director of the energy policy initiative. i watched how micro economies of oil work together. one thing that sticks in my mind is the mckinsey global institute estimated that over the next 40 years, we need to have the productivity growth of the industrial revolution. that means we need to have the industrial revolution in triple time. that is a huge whoosh of activity and of said to the equivalent of the previous industrial -- oupset to the equivalent of the previous industrial. how do we make sure the we