lavery. debate is. is is it fair for transforming our plates to compete in women's categories and sport. as a society we have decided to categorize sports based on sex i definitely do not think that it's fair for athletes that when porn is pile logical males to compete in the women's category on the run. why do we have gendered sports do have gender categories and sports because we do treat men and women differently. every single soul beat athletes will we all have biological advantages over each other. barlow thing means a lot to me and i think friends are the supreme need a little there is a goal to do it. and develop confidence and belief in myself and i've learned the value of hard work and dedication i'm gonna put on down. that these men say that they feel like a woman then they will not ever know what it's like to feel the loss of a baby there are many biological free home of these that they will never do they really think this is fair. i just don't believe it. big day in moscow in artie's news re