archaeologists have given us information lavinius 5 was swept by mass insanity, then pheta signi 12. the last was ingriam b, two years ago. and next in line-- deneva. bones, what's your theory about the cause of all this? there is no medical or scientific cause for what happened on those planets, jim. but it follows a definite pattern-- a systematic progression from planet to planet. captain, we're picking up a ship on our sensors, he'll burn up. plot an interception course, mr. sulu, warp factor 8. lieutenant uhura, try to contact that ship. aye, aye, sir. ship is a one-man vessel of denevan configuration, captain. he does not seem to be out of control. his course is straight for the sun. scotty, tractor beams? out of range, sir. denevan ship, this is the "u.s.s. enterprise." can you reverse your course? acknowledge. [static] captain, we'll get too close to the sun. keep closing. denevan ship, reverse your course. do you hear me? reverse your course! [static] outer hull temperature now 480 degrees and rising. he's too close, captain. so are we. hull temperature 1,000 degrees and ris