. >> i'm lavon mcintosh.do you mind -- >> speak directly into the microphone. >> i'm lavon mcintosh. i'm here along with everyone else who was here and it's about unity sand straight in numbers. you have demonstrated that today in the last week. we didn't care about the people i'm not the only one. i was price gouged. i'm dealing with john stewart a again. the man tried to shut me up last week when i was here. i shouldn't be moved. i was wrongfully price gouged. theresa is apart of aiding and abetting. i wasn't trying toe be. i'm asking you for social change. not only on the bases of intellectual process. when you put it on at the end of the day we put it on the same way. the constant is caring what god loves. >> thank you for your comments to the task force. welcome. >> good after noon. i'm suzanne mash. i'm a resident of district 6. really. i each here to ask you to rectify the path you are on right now. the map that this task force has approved is as unfair and antidemocratic assay shutting down a communit