if the law is, as you will be aware, knowing where you come from obviously the law society gazette, you the world, about that, but i'm sure there are some respectable arguments i am about to say here that will be employed by others, but if it is the case that a corporate can put into effect a system which causes individuals to suffer serious sexual abuse, threaten them with cover—up, threatening not to say anything, to keep quiet, not to tell anybody, if that same corporate then seeks to bring the argument to a judge that their claims should be disapplied by reason of passage of time, then that is not a society in which i want to live. the limitation periods are therefore good, practical legal reasons, but they can also be disapplied for good legal humanitarian reasons. and it is really important when we deal and think about limitation here, and i would challenge, i hold out the challenge here to harrods, if harrods are going to say to us that these claims should be barred on the basis of limitation, then they are effectively adopting the argument that threats will always win the day. w