there, my husband and i noticed there was just this very tense vibration and we found out that lawrence collins was shot and killed at the rec center. so we lost another youth in the omi. we have had youth shot in front of inner city youth, we have had them shot in front of the omi family resource center. we were devastated, he was going to be 20 years old. as i was going to get ready to speak tonight. i went in my office and these 3 x 5 cards fell out. and i picked then up and read them. and then i realized that seven years ago with a different mayor and a different supervisor, i have been saying the same words, talking about the omi and violence prevention. and i can't believe i am here again and talking about the same thing. i am asking mayor lee work with the omi to come up with a violence prevention plan. i want diana, i am happy that you made director of violence prevention. i am thankful for that, but she needs to come out on a regular basis and to the omi, and come up with a concrete plan. we need jobs and life skills and our young adults to have after-school programs and something to d