lawrence kaplan discusses his book is part of the annual association of the u.s.rmy at the washington convention center in washington d.c. the program is just under a half hour. >> good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen and thank you for being here. i'd like to give you pretty quick overview of why you might be interested in reading my book and don't know a lot more about homer lee and 20 minutes if you don't know about them already. if you enjoy reading biographies of people who just helped shape world events, i can guarantee you you'll enjoy reading about the exploits of homer lea and a soldier of fortune. his life was stranger than the romantic fiction. he earned an international reputation as a man of history. he was a soldier of fortune, writer and geopolitical strategist. since death in 1912, he's pretty much been an orphan in history. during his lifetime, he was very prominent, how the international reputation and actually did influence events of the time and help shape some world events after his death. and they too could be just a quick overview of how his