lawrence leiser, your reaction? guest: there is not a lot of accuracy in these reports that the state systems do it better system. federal we prosecute different kinds of crimes than the states prosecute, a different kind of instances. many we found out through research that the recidivism rate at the federal level three years out is 34% based upon re-arrest. some of these do not look at re-arrest, they look at re-conviction. they do not look at people who commit crimes in other cases or at a federal level. the statistics they used to claim that their system does better than ours is not true. is what isandard your cynicism rate -- your recidivism rate based on arrests? at three years out, 34%. some of the programs that we inmate,his is just one micro computing, plumbing apprenticeship, nutrition classes, pre-release personal health, pre-release counseling, wellnessse employment, intermediate, psychology of human behavior, job fairs, job searches. the prison does a terrific job at trying to rehabilitate our inmates a