james lawrie saw that the in the 1970s, since the founding of the dow, the 1930s included. he called it the second great crash. okay. you could put your money in commodityies. since anything in supply or by the dead hand of the past, skyrocketed in value and has is hedge against the price level. but land carry with it an excise tax. that zooms up with the property. in california where house prices went up five fold, so this texas. texas went up five fold. if you wanted to sell to realize your appreciation or to pay those taxes, the 50% capital gains tax got you. you were stuck. the run up in land only cost you. but you better know what you are doing, because these things are tricky investments. saving money became a fine art in the 1970s. something forclosed to the masses. so the masses spent rv vehicles. they had to spend. i mean, because not spending meant watching whereby money evaporate against inflation. as for the future, that would be guaranteed by cost of living, col, that were demanded from employers. hence the resurgence on the part of unions in the 1970s. i hope