. >> a week later lawstutter rereleased the youtube video that he said was sent to him from someone at steubenvil. >> it made the splash needed to get more people involved in the investigation. >> she wasn't moving. >> the video racked up more than a million views and sparked national outrage. anonymous protesters converged on the streets of steubenville. >> shaim oshame on you! >> we got 2,000 people on the streets peacefully. speaking online it was very powerful. >> in march two men were found guilty of rape, and sentenced to one and two years in juvenile detention respectively. lawstutter credits anonymous for what he sees as justice served. >> there was a sense of excitement but also a sense of empowerment. this is what the people are supposed to be like in america. >> it was a classic hactivist action, a diverse group with computer skills converging like a flash mob around perceived injustice. >> people become involved in anonymous because they are seeking empowerment in the world, empowerment they haven't been able to get through conventional structures. anonymous has become a po