. >> mike braun supports a lawsu today, today, that would takeg away pre-existnditions coverage. >> you go to court to get rid of important protections when there is no backup. i am more than happy to work with anyone to makecsure these prons would stay in place. >> democrats are going to protect yourare, period. >> reporter: the health care law's namesake, former president barack obama, growing hoarse raising this and another closing argument-- that democrats are more civil and more honest. >> there have got to be consequences when people don't tell the truth. >> reporter: obama doesn't name anyone but the obvious implication is that president trump is a dishonest, divisive figure. similarly, listen to florida gubernatorial candidate andrew gillum: >> let's stand together againsti polis who use race to divide us. as governor, i'll ensure the most diverse state in america also sets an example as the most united state in america. >> reporter: iareed, democrats running a more diverse slate of candidates than republicans-- including minorities, women, veterans and first-time office- seeker