tte new york chhpter f the n double a-c-p issbacking a lawsuii &pfiled to try and stoo the &pcity. hazel duues is the ny chhptee presidenn. hazel: it's not about race.mary:it's about? hazel:economics.mary: aad how? hazel:""ispariiy. and hoo thee small business is being punished while weeallow the &pbig corporrte people, again, along with thh hispanic federation, aague that small and minoriiy owned businesses impact.then there's the nate - obesity epiddmic.non hispanic &pblacks...accorring to the cdc...hhve the highest rates of obesity at 44 percent...followed by mexiian amerrcans at 39 ercent.the n double a cp filed a legal brief in support of beveraae compannes,,saying,,to tackle the publicchealth crisis of holisttc educational program called prrject ell. the project...according to the n douule a cp's thh coca cola oundaaion....tte philanthropic arm oo the company. dukes says the new york chapter received 75- thousand-dollars in the past two yyars. marr: do you hinkk there's a conflict?haael: absoluteey not.marr: you don't see a conflict?hazel: absolutely not.if this