i live at 1131 lawsuiton. i am a san francisco native. i have lived the same home. i have seen neighborhoods change almost unrecognizable and my neighborhood has remained the same and this addition of the additional floor would definitely change the character in the neighborhood . i am passionate about the sunset and golden gate heights. in my neighborhood i'm the spirit leader for the community. we gather monthly to together and we celebrate the great san francisco, so being interested in preserving the character of the city and character of my neighborhood this shows that i'm not just some guy that says "oh it doesn't look good .". we're passionate about keeping things in a relatively uniform manner for the years that i lived here and many years before that and someone else mentioned the parking problem -- if we add additional story means additional people and parking in the neighborhood is horrible enough as it is. i sometimes have to block three blocks away because there are people in front of my house and mother in laws or whoever joining us in the neighborhood