so, would you help to welcome barbara pierce bush and lawyura welch bush to share their experiences as first ladies. [ applause ] to help punishes -- to help us understand the dialog of responsibilities and the awesome news for presidents and their inspiration to all of us, richard smith who is a great author, who understands the w k workings of government, he has b been a friend of mine for a long time. he helped me with a speech for my forgettable campaign. we are thankful to have him for this discussion. thank you. >> thank you, andy. [ applause ] >> i don't know but, i'm not used to getting a standing ovation for showing up. >> you just got it because laura was here. >> it's hard to know where to begin. we have heard from a number of folks earlier today and we heard from real life practitioners, people that were in the white house at different parts of the history, who were challenged and rose to the challenge. each of you had unique life experience before you came to the white house. andy has described them. was that a particular advantage to you, and is there any way to fully pre