thereby, you know, many of our schools have to be staffed by laypeople, which is not necessarily bad. but you must understand, these things, these things that we can -- these things that we can, there are many, many things wrong with this world. i need not mention them going on abortion, same-sex marriages, education, we have been over all that. but every turn is not possible. this is not the way history works. this is not the way human life works. yes, when things go to a bad extreme, a reaction sets in. but history in our life is not a pendulum. it does not swing back. it will swing unpredictably in a different direction. which we cannot foresee. this in a way is supposed to occur and the blessing of human life that life is unpredictable. this is god's will. that history is unpredictable or to put it at a level, as a french moralists they want, things are never as good or as bad as they seem. they seem pretty bad now. [laughter] >> we know that. but no return is possible, especially again i have the handicap. i hope i am mostly talking to catholics, you know. jack told me that catho