so if you looked at the lazard plot showed, it showed that 10 years ago solar was the most expensive power and today solar is the least expensive power and so germany built a lot of power when it was expensive. and so, you know that's going to drive up the cost. we should thank germany because there that they're spending a lot of money on it helped drive the price down. so now it's the cheapest powers you can see that's what texas energy producers are doing. they're building solar 100 gigawatts. so learn the next few years. so, you know, it's cheap. i mean, i know people don't like to hear that. okay, i get i was on a pod get very popular podcast recently and you can't imagine how many people you know, email me about that, but we're going through an energy revolution you all have to know that you can't have a reason debate about that if you don't know the revolution we're going under we're through right now. alex i'm going to try to say something non-repetitive what i've said before the okay, so this again, it's all the same management. so it's true that i mentioned solar and wind ar