senior captain lazzaro thank you for your terrific report here. i would like to reiterate what has been said before there's no doubt but this very, you know, historic wonderful, you know, process is done with a great deal the care and respect. commissioners come and go and there are a great deal of areas where individual commissioners can participate with various activities outside of sitting open the d s and the weekly meetings so with that some days we jump in to a particular role and really haven't gotten a lot of background around what it means to be sitting in that role and responsibilities in that role. and with that, being said with the rotation of commissioners coming and going and also in light of even the best of things sometimes need tweaking over time or can be elements can be added with regard to the concerns that have been voiced tonight it seems like the discolor around whether or not there's a pending investigation id or a criminal possible kri7b8 investigation is important information for the chair commissioner as well as the enti