there's police comments officer >> hello steve from central station representing expanding captain lazzaro this is an existing hotel that's had an existing permit i can't think of a single time we've gotten a complaint a case no. or nothing like that let alone the proteins from the community i'm surprised about the remarks we fulfill support them getting their permit we recommend their approval we only request we be invited about any events outstanding like a in lieu of party you a that's why we're asking. any questions or comments >> no. thank you >> all right. any public comment on this permit application. i don't see any. commissioners a motion >> yeah. i'd like to move to approve and ask you, please do a short presentation in july. >> there's a motion is there a second. >> second. >> i just want to say it's for consistency because we ask everyone to do that if you let one person not do that we really encourage you to do that more than anything. >> on the motion to approve same house, same call? and that item passes. >> that works all right. congratulations. we're getting close to the e