that's why the phrase that we currently use is lbgtq so that, especially when you're young and you're trying to figure out ... which means? it means questioning. so, there are people who wonder about their sexual orientation. there are people who have decided what their sexual orientation is. some decide early. some decide later. but the key issue is that a person should be able to make that decision without fear of social retribution, whether it's physical or psychological retribution or essentially being banished. so, as dr. harris pointed out, none of the, your peer group but also your family members, and so you're definitely isolated. and it puts you at greater risk because we find a number of lgbt youth are running away, living on the streets, and being the victims of pedophiles and sexual predators, which just makes life really miserable. so, now they're not dealing with sexual orientation. they're basically dealing with sexual trauma. and i think it's even an issue when the youth are in facility care, residential care. we see it in the residential treatment centers and in servi