spare you some of the details about the -- [inaudible] >> -- whereas basic aid districts are not -- lcff is kind of irrelevant to them. they're funded at the levels of their share at the local property tax. lastly, i did want to point out that we -- aside from property taxes, we did receive funding, as you know, from voter-approved measures involving the city and county. so the public education enrichment fund is very substantial funding stream for us, and in the current year, it's about $75 million, and that's prior to this current situation with this excess eraf. and the rainy day reserve has a balance of about $44 million prior to the 26 million that's going to be fed, so to speak, by the eraf windfall -- the excess eraf windfall. so that includes the crash course in property taxes that we wanted to convey, and we'll be happy to try to answer any questions. >> president cook: we have speakers signed up for this item. alita fisher, i see you making your way. julia roberts. later, some people may not be here anymore. cassandra curio, and mary wayne, and alison collins. >> i'm impressed