after i assume this post, this is the 100th day, and during the presidential election of the ldp i promise to you, first of all, i would like to control and do everything possible to contain the new strain of virus. also our outstanding issues, green society, digitalization, and also couples have more babies, and during these measures, i would like to give the country my very best, and for the infertility next month, we will expand the subsidy, and from the fiscal 2021, the medical insurance will be covered and it will come down to about half of the price of the digitalization, and so for the bright futures, to step into the brighter future, first we have to control the infection or pandemic. i would like to control so no more infection will expand. also in april there was an emergency statement and also for the expansion of the infection in the summer, i asked for your cooperation every since the summer and for predicting you and your loved ones and,milies start the inoculation, we would like to maintain the level of treatment, so please be -- spend that holiday season in a subdued, contr