those, if it's soft and pliable plastic, it's leachgg pthalates, which are known to be toxic, into the environonment where you getet exposed. >> pthalates are in many common products, including food packaging, building materials, and pharmaceuticals. they're in our cars, and even in new car smell. they're used in cosmetics to hold fragrance and help products to more effectively pepenetrate and moisturize the skin. >> we're concerned about their effects on males, on baby boboys. >> we see problems with testicular development, problems with sperm development. >> they can be assosociated with a decrease in testosterone levels. so if you interfere with the testosterone levels, ththey don't quite go up all the way. in animal studies, it's been shown to be linked to cryptororchidism, so,o, undesced testicles, and hypospadias, which is incomplete formation of the male reproductive organs. >> pthalates may a also be feminizing boys. scientists found that pthalates may be associated with a shorter ano-genital distance-- the distance between the genitals and anus, a subtle marker of feminization