because i believe leah berg is back from the time continuum. time for the final big reveal. ou can see she entered it. one hour ago. we promised she would lose 10 years in 60 minutes with the help of our dream team headed by gretta monahan and bobbi brown. before the big reveal first leah's story. ♪ >> reporter: when leah berg heard about "gma's" "lose 10 years in 60 minutesst series she viewed it as a sign. >> i feel i have aged quite a bit. when i look at myself in the mirror, i do have a lot of dark circles under my eyes. a lot of sun spots. >> reporter: at work, among family, leah is frequently told she looks older than she is. and people we spoke with on the street agreed. how old do you think she is? >> 47. >> 45. >> 52. >> reporter: but leah isn't in her 50s or even 40s. what would you say if i told you this woman here is actually 34. that's right. leah is just 34. leah attributes her older appearance to the stress she's endured since her youngest daughter was diagnosed with a rare form of eye cancer four years ago. a multitude of doctors' appointments and rounds of ch